Fashion, Outfit of the day, Personal, photography, Plus size, Positivity, Style



“We believe that style is not about the size you wear; it’s about how you style your
size. Our #STYLEHASNOSIZE campaign celebrates every woman’s shape
and style – a message to challenge preconceptions and bring together
women with a mantra that really matters.”

After writing THIS post at the start of the year and getting such incredible feedback from it I have consciously shifted towards creating more content focused on the areas of self love and feeling good in the skin you are in. As I mentioned previously I have started working in Evans in Belfast and through this I was introduced to the brands latest campaign #STYLEHASNOSIZE which is a campaign in conjunction with the rainbow trust to launch the brands connection to the charity, the launch of the in-store personal shoppers and most importantly to inspire women to feel great at whatever size they are at. This whole campaign really struck something within me because for a  long time I have been trying to champion dressing for how you want to dress instead of what you feel you should be dressing. if you you want to wear a crop top WEAR IT if you want to wear skinny jeans WEAR THEM.


I totally understand and respect that for alot of women this will all be easier said than done because we are so used to society trying to tell us how to dress, think and feel in regards to our size. Something I have mentioned before is being sick of being told by society that my body is a before picture, the only time I see women I can remotely relate to in popular publications is when my body is being shown as something to aspire to get away from. I shouldnt look at my body as a finished result, I should have no desire to look like this for a long term thing.


My body is covered in all my lumps, bumps and everything in between but you know what… that’s fine by me. This is my shape now, this might not always be my shape by currently at twenty two years old this is how I look and I will be damned to let other people dictate to me that this body is anything but great. Putting all health queries aside as I know all to well that these are the first questions posed when a plus size girl mentions that she is happy in the skin she is in, I have come to a point in my life where I will not let other people influence my happiness when it comes to my body. This is MY home, MY body, MY shelter MY everything and you cannot try to define me as any different because that serves a purpose for you.


Something which I have really enjoyed recently was the documentary created by channel four Plus Sized Wars  which was highlighting the rise of the plus-size industry in the UK and interviewed some of the biggest bloggers in the industry to document their feelings. It also put a big focus onto the signing of Tess Munster making her the first girl her size to be signed to a major industry and the storm that occurred around that. It is definitely worth a watch if you can because even just watching the girls dispel alot of myths that surround plus-size is great viewing.

I decided once we received the t-shirts in work that I wanted to create a series of images showing you guys that above everything else, this is me, this is my body and no one can make me change that. I dress, act and speak as myself and for myself and will not be altered by the constant pressures from society around me. My size is stylish, my style is not measurable by the numbers on a label, my style is not defined by letters, numbers or the opinions of others #STYLEHASNOSIZE








T-shirt can be bought here : http://www.evans.co.uk/en/evuk/product/evans-ivory-style-has-no-size-t-shirt-4430930

All photographs taken by my sister Abbey Tytler

all profits from the t-shirt and tote bad sales go to the Rainbow Trust 

Until next time…Tj xo

One thought on “#STYLEHASNOSIZE

  1. You are gorgeous TJ, I genuinely idolise you and your amazing style. You are so right, our bodies are our homes and we should treat them right now, while we’re in them. I could definitely stand to remember that from time to time. Thanks for sharing this lovely post xo

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